Unite2: part 2&3

Posted by Riyong Wang | Posted on 9:03 PM

De stijll-form
Architecture, sculpture, typography
Gerrit Rietveld & Peter Oud
“House of the Building” – The Bauhaus
Moholy Nagy, Bauhaus Master
Herbert Bayer
Universal alphabet
Meis van der Rohe
Jan Tschichold
New typography

Designers started applied de stijl principles to architecture, sculpture and typography, their philosophy is: visual forms developed from Mondrian’s paintings. Mondrian pulled out in 1924 when can Doesburg formulated his theory “Elementarism”, emphasis put on the diagonal not the polar axis. The formula of a typographic style was achieved by the work of Theo can Doesburg and Vilmos Huszar. But De Stijl did not survive after Van Doesburg’s death in 1913 at the age of 47.
The Bauhaus, model for most art school in 20th century, early inspiration from expressionism, medievalism, and handicraft. Two locations: Weimar 1919-1925, then in Dessau 1925- 1933. Bauhaus establishes design as a discipline taught and practice using modernism’s form and functionality. Bauhaus was to form a new unity of both fine and applied arts to solve design problems created by industrialization. The final year of Bauhaus, grouius resigned returned to Arch practice in 1928, Moholy Nagy and Bayer return to practice in Berlin.

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