Unite2: part 2

Posted by Riyong Wang | Posted on 8:41 PM

Kasimir Malevich
Marinetti Russian lectures
The emergence of the Constructivist Movement
Tectonics, Texture, Construction
Rodchenko and Photographs
Prouns Space
El Lissitzky
The Steinberg Brothers
De Stijl
Theo van Doesburg

Germany expressed the implications of Synthetic Cubism in poster design called Plakatstil. Establishes for modern graphic design a vocabulary of geometric structure and form based on the perceptual effects of color and formal juxtapositions. Suprematism, creates a theoretical model for an abstract visual language where form is understood as a set of forces soon aligned with those of revolution. Russian artist and designers absorbed Cubism and Futurism with amazing speech, influenced by Marientti’s Russian lectures. 5 years between 1917 and 1922, the emergence of constructivist movement. 1920, an ideological splited into Malevich and Kandinsky. Montage as the “fabrication” of a prototype for printing not a unique work of art, photos become discursive. EL Lissitzky is like Rodchenko, a “constructor” but remaind idealistic to the goals or Suprematism and Maevic while teaching at the popular art institute in Vitebsk. Unlike Rodchenko, he gave importance to capacity of the artist and his obejects to embody ideals not only functions. Late Constructivism was instrumental in placing the radical typographic forms of futurism and Dada into the commercial realm in the late 1920’s. Later the Steinberg Brothers made realistic drawings using projected film stills and grids.

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