Unit 2: part 1

Posted by Riyong Wang | Posted on 7:45 PM

World War I
Pictorial Modernism
Poster & Object style
Realism and Abstraction
Visual and Literary Materiality
Synthetic Cubsim
Modern Shock
Berlin DADA

Posters were the dominant form of advertising and communication before we have television and radio. Modernist pictorial graphic in Europe were focused on graphic simplification, integration of word and image, and symbolic concerns of synthetic cubism. Modern poster goes to war during 1915, they started compare styles, purpose, attitudes, and content of War, familiar realist poster styles soften the harsh realities of a world war. What is the relationship between forms of representation? A sign is the unity of signifier and signified. Poets began considering the arrangement of words on a page as much as the words themselves when making poetry. In 1909, futurism was launched by Filippo Marinetti, a revolutionary movement that embraced the modern world and all its temptations. DADA developed spontaneously as a global network of artist of diverse nationalities. Avant-garde poets of the 1910s became the grahic designers, teachers and systematic theorists of the 1920s and 1930s. In 1918, DADA artists claim to have invented photomontage, using art of photomontage as a potent propaganda weapon against the Weimar Repulic and growing Nazi party. DADA movement split into factions and in 1924 Breton launches surrealism in Paris.

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