Unite 3: part 3
Posted by Riyong Wang | Posted on 8:27 PM
-Distinctions in culture and politics
-Communities o opinion and belief
-Experimental alternative publishing
-Push Pin Studio
-Wolfgang Weingart
-New Wave
-Fragmentation, layering, randomness, unpredictability
-April Grieman
-Paul Scher, appropriation or "to quote" vs. plagiarism
-Charles Anderson
-Nevel Brody
-Jacques Derrida
-Cranbrook, ecplored post-structuralism and the language games of Derrida's Grammatology
-Distinctly unsystematized
-Roll of Fontagrapher
-"Citational grafts"
-Attention to the role of language and "texts" in our construction of reality and identity.
Postmodernism stands in opposition to the ordered rationality of Modernism, is not a style, but a group of approaches motivated by some common understandings. It's not a theory but a set of theoretical positions. Skeptical of truth, unity and progress what it seed as elitism in culture, tends towards cultural relativism, celebrates pluralism, discontinuity and heterogeneity. Suspicious of public norms, inherent values, given hierarchies, authoritative standards, consensual codes or traditional practices.
Savvy consumers had outgrown the message mode of graphic design. Style of graphic design appeal to the counterculture youth, and the dizzying euphoria of the era.
Wolfgane Weingart, rejected the right angle, intuitive design, richness of visual effect, broad technical knowledge. Anti-functional, deliberately chaotic and averse to message driven forms.
Postmodernism, appropriation, to copying styles, was no longer naive nostalgia but calculated because the past itself was considered invented.
Nevel Brody, work was plundered and plagiarized as his distincitive work was quickly assimilated around the world in part through the advent of computer and scanning technology.
Words are not merely codes, using them in a behavior, and the behavior alters their meaning.
Post-Structuralism, challenging hierarchies, tentativeness, slipperiness, ambiguty and the complex interrelations of culture and meanings.
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