Laws of Media

Posted by Riyong Wang | Posted on 8:58 AM

4 laws of media:
Enhance, Reverse, Retrieve, Obsolesce

Enhance-communication, easier to reach other people, even they are on the other side of the world.
Reverse-radiation, bad for your health.
Retrieve-letters, don't have write letters. Telephone, cellphones these are touch screen, no more buttons.
Obsolesce-telephone, many families got rid of telephones because everyone uses cellphone, it's smaller, easier to carry.

Cellphone retrieve writing letters, it saves paper, time, and you can get a hold of the people in seconds instead of days. And the wireless technology is easier for people to travel and still communicate in places. Most of the cellphones these days have the abilities to connect with people by voice or text, and get on the internet almost anywhere.

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