Unit1: part3&part4

Posted by Riyong Wang | Posted on 8:38 PM


- Victorian Popular Graphics
- Mass produce
- Characteristics of Victorian Graphics
- Chromolithography
- Typefounders and Illustrator
- Monotype
- Editorial design
- Modern Movements
- Total Design
- William Morris
- Beggarstaffs
- Cubism
- Nouveau
- Gismonda posters
- Functionalism
- "Jugend"
- Vienna Secession
- Modernist Era
- Glasgow School

There's no design philosophy in Victorian period, designers express a new consciousness of the industrial era's large middle class. Mass produce, tyoe design, and the form of the book became casual. Godefroy Engelmann patented chromolithography, mass communication is born.
Mass produce graphic media became objects of consumption in their own right, dreams and desires were spread on a grand scale. In market drive by opportunism novelty was worth a piece. Later this period, book making became expensive, normal people could not afford. Late Victorian period, designer's work became very flat, then they started combine photographic with drawings, flat, but not really.


Posted by Riyong Wang | Posted on 9:49 PM


- pre writing
-Egyptian Hieroglpyphs
-Asian Contribution of printing, paper and typography
- Greek Alphabet
- Latin Alphabet
- Celtic Book Design
- Paper and woodblock printing
- modernist typography

From before human can write to designers developing different fronts and making books. Long time ago by making tooks human understood the idea of shapes and used them to communicate, they used symbols to represent ideas or concepts. Later those symbols transformed into letters then has different fronts. Designers started using them to design with image.